What We Do
It all starts with carefully measuring and providing the highly accurate, granular data to define your current gas lift system. Understanding the system and the reservoir empowers you to better optimize performance.

A Complete, Integrated Solution.
We deliver advanced characterization models incorporating all the aspects of the reservoir and production system that are pertinent to the well’s ability to produce hydrocarbons. We examine the gas lift system and optimize each well to its unique challenges and characteristics to help you evaluate and select the optimal production techniques and tools that will maximize your production. We can combine our quality products and services that range from well analysis, reservoir monitoring, reservoir testing and pressure transient analysis, and capillary and spooling services to provide a complete, integrated solution to your particular production challenges.
Products and Services
Many of our products and services are patented or patent-pending. We have developed these solutions over three decades of service to the industry. We also offer a full suite of stock valves, specialty valves, gas lift mandrels, packers, and gauges made in the USA to meet or exceed API specifications.
JMI manufacturing of Broussard, Louisiana USA is a sister company to ALTEC artificial lift technology and a trusted quality engineering and API-certified manufacturing resource. They are the premier OEM provider to oilfield service and completion companies around the world, including ALTEC, for the production of gas-lift valves, chemical valves, and equipment to optimize artificial lift systems.
JMI provides manufacturing support for many of our proprietary gas lift solutions in addition to conventional oilfield tools.