Eliminating the Guesswork
It all starts with carefully measuring and providing the highly accurate, granular data to de ne your current gas lift system. Understanding the system and the reservoir empowers you to better optimize performance. A Complete, Integrated Solution. We deliver advanced characterization models incorporating all the aspects of the reservoir and production system that are pertinent to the well’s ability to produce hydrocarbons. We examine the gas lift system and optimize each well to its unique challenges and characteristics to help you evaluate and select the optimal production techniques and tools that will maximize your production. We can combine our quality products and services that range from reservoir monitoring, reservoir testing, and capillary and spooling services to provide a complete, integrated solution to your particular production challenges.

Dewatering Gas Wells
Liquid loading is a very real phenomenon that occurs within most gas wells at some point in time when the formation gas rate falls below the critical gas unloading rate for the type of fluid being produced and the applicable tubing size. Its a common industry problem in many flowing gas wells and is typically seen in wells that are low-producing, low in pressure, or have long perforation sets. ALTEC has developed a new gas well de-watering system to combat this problem, utilizing the reservoir’s energy to help keep it unloaded. Go System® is a patented system that utilizes a production packer, tail pipe, and carrier subs containing pressure regulating devices in order to trap and use formation gas to keep the well unloaded beneath the packer.
The primary goals of this new de-watering method are to decrease the critical unloading rate beneath the packer, eliminate and/or reduce the fluid build-up across the perforations during production, and maximize the net gas and fluid production in the well. It provides an alternate way of producing wells with long perforation sets when traditional gas-lift reaches its limitations.
There is no surface control for this method as it is completely driven by the energy of the reservoir itself. Although it can be, and typically is, run in conjunction with traditional gas-lift systems above the packer, this method can provide a means for the well to lift and optimize itself for a longer period of time before gas injection from the surface is required. This can help to delay and/or minimize the additional expense and operational issues typically associated with traditional gas-lift. Moreover, in casing sizes where operationally feasible, the pressure-regulating devices can be made slick-line retrievable which gives the system the flexibility to be adapted to the flowing behavior of the well and optimized for efficiency.
Accurate and detailed well analysis coupled with superior engineered and installed gas lift systems since 1984.