Production Enhancement and Reservoir Characterization
We provide a variety of gas lift equipment and services, reservoir characterization services, and production enhancement services including gas lift design/analysis, valves, mandrels, pressure/temperature surveys and troubleshooting services delivered within an environment of safety. ALTEC has more than three decades of experience working in deep water providing equipment and services for independents and super majors alike, as well as, shelf and land-based wells. Since 1984, we have delivered precise, actionable data and optimized systems to mitigate the elevated risk, and potentially expensive consequences of under performance or failure in traditional rock and extreme environments.
We provide a variety of gas lift equipment and services, reservoir characterization services, and production enhancement services including gas lift design/analysis, valves, mandrels, pressure/temperature surveys and troubleshooting services delivered within an environment of safety. ALTEC has more than three decades of experience working in deep water providing equipment and services for independents and super majors alike, as well as, shelf and land-based wells. Since 1984, we have delivered precise, actionable data and optimized systems to mitigate the elevated risk, and potentially expensive consequences of under performance or failure in traditional rock and extreme environments.

Field Offices
Midland Field Office
Success Stories
“… an ALTEC tech worked up a rig design with new mandrels and added ABBA Pilot valves allowing the operator to reduce the injection rate from 500 mscfd to 150 mscfd, eliminate a costly rental compressor, and ultimately increase oil production from 127 BOPD to 233 BOPD.”
“An ALTEC lift expert determined the actual reason for lower production on an underperforming well was due to restricted inflow, not a thief valve, which saved the operator $60K to $80K, had they done a workover.”
"Operator increases production by 28 BOPD in a brown well by upgrading standard IPO valves with valve technology from ALTEC.”
Quality Management
We supply products that meet or exceed API standards.